Kristen Richardson

Kristen Richardson

Hometown:  Morganton, NC

Joined ASA Team: September, 2020 (returned after leave in 22-23)

Team Assignments: MBB and MWR, with others as needed.

Educational Background: BS in Special Education, App State, Dec, 1984;  MEd, Special Education, UNC- Chapel Hill, June, 1988 ;additional teaching certifications in English/Language Arts, grades 6 - 9, and Academically/Intellectually Gifted, K-12.

Professional Experience: Teacher for 31 years; last assignment:  8th Grade English/Language Arts, Heritage Middle School, Valdese, NC  

Best Part of Job: Seeing students succeed academically AND athletically; being part of a team that is working toward that same goal.  

Favorite Quote: "Hope is a thing with feathers / that perches in the soul / and sings a tune without the words / and never stops at all."  -Emily Dickinson  

Personal:  My husband and I are renewing a farm that belonged to his grandparents in Western Watauga County.  We have bees, flowers, grapes, apples, a few vegetables, as well as a protective dog, Shadow. 

Title: Part-Time Learning Specialist
Department: Academic Services for Student-Athletes

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-7855

Office address
240 D.D. Dougherty Hall
Mailing address
240 D.D. Dougherty Hall