Scott Branson

Scott Branson (they/them) has a PhD in Comparative Literature from Emory University. Their teaching and research interests are queer/feminist movements and theory, prison abolition, transformative justice, anarchism, the Black radical tradition, decolonial movements, punk, and experimental literature. Their translation of Jacques Lesage De la Haye’s The Abolition of Prison was published by AK Press in July 2021. Their translation of Guy Hocquenghem’s second book, Gay Liberation After May 68, with theoretical introduction, will be published by Duke University Press's Theory Q series in April 2022. They edited a volume of abolitionist queer writings based on two iterations of the UNC Asheville queer studies conference, due out with PM Press next year. They just finished a book about anarchism as a daily practice for Pluto Press and have begun researching a book on the institutionalization of queerness in the academy. They also make books of poems, paintings, and play music.