Star Wars/Higher Ed. Parallels

Full Course Title: 
The Force Awakens: Parallels of Star Wars and Higher Education

As new Jedi Padawans (College Students), navigating the Star Wars (Higher Education) universe can be a difficult process.  However, with the resources of the Jedi Council (First Year Seminar) and the Galactic Senate (App State), this journey can be one full of enlightenment and prosperity.

Throughout this course, we will examine and draw parallels between the expansive worlds of Star Wars and higher education, and learn how the opportunities and challenges that each present can be both beneficial and detrimental to Padawans as they strive to become Jedi Master (Graduates)!  Utilizing the established FYS goals, we will relate the experiences of our favorite Star Wars characters in the universe to investigate the opportunities and challenges faced by today’s college students, and learn how these students can become accomplished academics and global citizens, all while resisting the call of the dark side.

Course Details
Course Number: 
Section Number(s) and Day/Times Taught: 
160: TR 11:00am - 12:15pm
Spring 2024
Student Success

Nick Davison

Nick recently completed his Master's of Arts in Student Affairs Administration here at Appalachian State, preceded by a Bachelor's of Science in Experimental Psychology from the University of South Carolina. He currently serves as a Case Manager In Residence within the Office of the Dean of Students, joining the team in August 2023. Nick hails from the Raleigh area, and is proud to call himself a lifelong Carolinian. Nick has spent some time as a teaching assistant in the Psychology Department here at App, as well as in University 101 Programs at USC, and is excited to combine his love for higher education, psychology, and Star Wars together to teach his first FYS course this spring. When he's not on campus, you can find him kayaking, exploring, and generally enjoying the mountains, as well as watching Star Wars or building Lego Star Wars sets.