What Was I Made For?

In the blockbuster movie, Barbie, the title character has a crisis of conscience. While Billie Eilish’s hit song plays in the background, we see Barbie wondering what she was made for—both literally and figuratively. But we all know that Barbie’s not the only one who has pondered this very big question. In this course, we’ll attempt to answer it for ourselves. We’ll begin with an exploration of how we are hard-wired to make some ways of thinking and feeling easier than others and the implications this has for our daily lives. Then, we’ll move into an examination of how external factors interact with this “wiring” to affect how we experience the world—everything from where we live to how we’ve been educated to the intersecting systems of oppression and privilege we experience (i.e., what we are being made for). At the end of the course, we’ll examine what we personally care about and how we might convert those values into action (i.e., what I will make of myself?).

NOTE: This course is offered as a hybrid but is primarily lecture (less than 50% online). Note required meeting time and location for this section.

Course Details
Course Number: 
Section Number(s) and Day/Times Taught: 
721: MW 10:00am-10:50am - hybrid
Spring 2024
The Arts

Lindsay Masland

Lindsay Masland

Dr. Lindsay Masland has been at App State since 2011, and teaching is her favorite thing to think about, talk about, and do. She currently serves as the Director of Transformative Teaching and Learning in the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success, where she develops programming designed to support teachers in higher education.  Dr. Masland is also a Professor affiliated with the Psychology department, serves as consulting editor for journals focusing on teaching in higher ed, and has received university and national teaching awards.  Dr. Masland's interests lie at the intersection of student engagement, effective teaching practices, and inclusive excellence, and her passion is to help educators make sound choices that lead to transformative educational experiences for the many types of students they find in their classrooms.  And when she's not teaching or going on about teaching, she can be seen performing in theatre productions, teaching/taking dance classes, baking needlessly elaborate cakes, and hanging out with her husband, kids, and dog.