The General Education Program is faculty-designed and faculty-governed. The General Education Council approves all courses included in the curriculum and guides program assessment. For more information about the proposal process and proposal forms, assessment, thematic integration, or other faculty-related issues, please use the menus on the left.
Renew a Class
A rolling four-year renewal process for all General Education courses establishes a systematic method for departments to confirm or modify the goals and student learning outcomes of the courses they contribute to the General Education Program. Assessment of the courses will be performed at the program level and is no longer a part of the course renewal process. It should be noted however that classes randomly selected to participate in each year's General Education Program level assessment by providing artifacts of student work are chosen based on these goals and learning outcomes. Each department will complete a Form D for each individual course during the academic year that course is due for renewal. These forms will be automatically submitted to the General Education Office and then reviewed by the appropriate Faculty Coordinating Committees before moving to consideration by the General Education Council. The following documents and information are designed to help guide you through the process:
- Cohort Spreadsheet - This spreadsheet will help you to determine which cohort contains your particular course/courses as well as the academic year that each cohort and the classes within it are scheduled for renewal.
- Cohort Timeline – Course renewals have been paused because of the implementation of the new General Education Program for Fall 2025.
- Form D - This Qualtrics form is required for each course undergoing renewal and also requires the submission of a syllabus for that course being renewed.
- General Education Components and Requirements- This information summarizes the requirements for each of the General Education Curricular Components as well as Designation requirements.
- General Education Dashboard - This dashboard will help you to determine which General Education Program Goals as well as attributes such as Component and Designation a class meets.
Propose a Class
Proposals for new classes to count towards General Education require the submission of completed Forms Part A, Part B and Part C to the home College of the proposed course. For existing classes where no changes to the course description are being made, proposals require only the submission of the Part C to the home College. All course proposals should address the following questions:
- Does the course clearly and specifically meet at least one General Education goal from the following list: a) Thinking Critically and Creatively; b) Communicating Effectively; c) Making Local to Global Connections; d) Understanding the Responsibilities of Community Membership?
- Does the course clearly identify at least two appropriate student learning outcomes linked to at least one of the learning goals listed above?
- Does the course syllabus identify the course as being in the General Education Program, the curricular component it is part of, and tie the General Education Program goals and student learning outcomes to specific coursework?
Please note, if you are interested in proposing a class for the current General Education Program (2.0) please contact the General Education Office (
Proposal Process
Find information on Course Proposal Development and the Forms that are required for this process on the Academic Policies and Procedures website
Department/Program, Curriculum Committee and/or Department/Program Faculty
- Complete Forms: Part A, Part B and Part C
- Submit to College
College Curriculum Committee and College Council
- Submit Forms: Part A and Part B to AP&P
- Submit Form C to General Education
General Education
- Faculty Coordinating Committee and General Education Council
- Send Memo to AP&P