Eligibility Rules & Requirements
The following rules and requirements must be met in order for student athletes to maintain their athletic eligibility.
6 Hour Rule
Students must complete a minimum of 6 hours in the previous full-time regular academic term. After a student declares their major, these hours must be "degree applicable".
12 Hour Rule
Students must be registered for at least 12 hours at all times to practice and compete.
18 Hour Rule
Students must complete a minimum of 18 hours during the regular academic year (Fall/Spring). After a student declares their major, these hours must be "degree applicable".
Beginning of 2nd year
Students must have completed 24 hours during their first calendar year at Appalachian and also have a 1.80 cumulative GPA. This 1.80 GPA must be maintained entering the Spring semester.
Major Declaration
Students must declare a major by the start of the 5th semester (Beginning of 3rd year).
Beginning of 3rd year
Students must complete 40% of the hours required for declared degree and have a 1.90 cumulative GPA. The 1.90 cumulative GPA must be maintained entering the Spring semester.
Beginning of the 4th year
Students must complete 60% of the hours required for declared degree and have a 2.0 cumulative GPA. The 2.0 GPA must be maintained entering the Spring semester.
Beginning of the 5th year
Students must complete 80% of the hours required for declared degree and have a 2.0 cumulative GPA. The 2.0 cumulative GPA must be maintained entering the Spring semester
Have Questions?
Academic Eligibility is evaluated each academic term by Appalachian State University's NCAA Continuing Eligibility Specialist. For more information, contact Sharon Sweeting, NCAA Continuing Eligibility Specialist – Academic Services for Student Athletes at sweetingsb@appstate.edu or 828-262-7628.