Faculty Coordinating Committees

Each component of the General Education curriculum has a corresponding Faculty Coordinating Committee (FCC) that considers proposals for new courses to be added to the component. When the FCC approves a course proposal, it is forwarded on to the General Education Council, which considers the proposal for final approval of General Education credit. The FCCs also make recommendations to the General Education Council regarding proposed policy changes that are related to their component. Members of each FCC have disciplinary expertise in their committee's curricular area. Committees consist of three to five faculty members and no single department is to have a majority of members on any FCC. Chairs of each committee are elected by the membership of the committee and serve as the committee's voting representative on the General Education Council. Members are appointed for three year staggered terms by the Faculty Senate.  Bold type denotes committee chair.

First Year Seminar

Rick Klima (MAT/FYS)Ex officio
Alice Wright (ANT)Three year term (2025)
Heather Waldroup (ART/HON)Three year term (2026)
Hannah Finkelstein (FYS)Three year term (2027)

Quantitative Literacy

Vicky Klima (MAT)Three year term (2025)
Baset Hamza (CS)Three year term (2026)
Jayjit Roy (ECO)Three year term (2027)

Wellness Literacy

Marc Kissel  (ANT)Three year term (2025)
Scott Townsend (RMPE)Three year term (2026)
Heather Schier (NUT)Three year term (2027)


Fine Arts Designation

Eric Koontz (MUS)Three year term (2025)
Emily Daughtridge (T&D)Three year term (2026)
Kate Wurtzel (ART)Three year term (2027)

Literary Studies Designation

Adrian Rice (FYS)One year term (2025)
Davis Hankins (P&R)Three year term (2026)
Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand (LLC)Three year term (2027)

Historical Studies Designation

Laura Ammon (P&R)Three year term (2025)
Ed Behrend-Martinez (HIS)Three year term (2026)
Dave Wells (MUS)Three year term (2027)

Social Sciences Designation

Yalcin Acikgoz (PSY)Three year term (2025)
Kelly Thames (SOC)Three year term (2026)
Rob Brown (G&P)Three year term (2027)

Science Inquiry Perspective

Tony Calamai (P&A)One year term (2025)
Susan Lappan (ANT)Three year term (2025)
Megen Culpepper (CHE)Three year term (2026)
Carra Schriber (BIO)Three year term (2027)
Steve Hageman (GES)Three year term (2027)


Sustainability And Climate Literacy

Mike Hambourger (CHE)

Two year term (2025)

Laura England (SD)

Three year term (2026)

Rachel Wilson (LTC)

Three year term (2027)

Intercultural Literacy

Kelly Ann Renwick (IDS)

Two year term (2025)

Bradley Nash, Jr. (SOC)

Three year term (2026)

Shanan Fitts (C I)

Three year term (2027)

Humanity And Its Systems

Cuong Mai (P&R)Three year term (2025)
Jeanne Dubino (CGG) Three year term (2025)
Sandy Gagnon (PSY)Three year term (2026)
Chris Bartel (P&R)Three year term (2026)
Jason White (HIS)Three year term (2027)


College At-Large Representatives

Saskia  van de Gevel (CAS) Three year term (2027)
Melissa Lesbines (MUS) Three year term (2028)
Brandy Hadley (COB) Three year term (2028)
Tracy Goodson Espy (COE) Three year term (2028)
Susan Weidmann (CHS) Three year term (2028)
Laura Langberg (LIB) Three year term (2028)