First Year Seminar faculty are many and varied! Our team of award-winning instructors includes full-time faculty members based in an academic home department (such as psychology, biology, math, or communication), full-time faculty members who teach exclusively in First Year Seminar, full-time staff members who teach in FYS either as part of or in addition to their regular contracts, and part-time adjunct faculty who teach in FYS, sometimes along with courses in other units.
Core faculty in First Year Seminar have primary appointments teaching First Year Seminar in Appalachian's University College. All full-time Lecturers are teaching leaders who contribute substantially to the teaching, mentoring, and service activities of the unit. These award-winning faculty members are innovative in their teaching methods and deeply committed to Appalachian's first-year students.
Current Instructor
Elizabeth Alliss |
Samuel Avery-QuinnCore Faculty |
Melissa Balk |
Anthony Carey |
Kirsten Clemens |
Jeffrey Coats |
Catherine Cole |
David Crosby |
Rebekah CummingsCore Faculty |
Anindita DasCore Faculty |
Kathleen DenBleyker |
Bryan Doppel |
Brian Fannon |
Dixie Farthing |
Hannah FinkelsteinCore Faculty |
Mady Fitzgerald |
Elaine Gray |
Garrett Jackson |
Megan Kasper |
Michael Krenn |
Andrew Lail |
Claire LeMoine |
Brian MacHarg |
Trent MargrifCore Faculty |
Layne McDaniel |
Andy Miller |
Julie Mullis |
Lillian Nave |
Taylor Osborne |
Donald PresnellCore Faculty |
William Purcell |
Adrian RiceCore Faculty |
Nicholas Rudisill |
Martin SchoenhalsCore Faculty |
Anders SjostrandCore Faculty |
Charles SmithCore Faculty |
Lindsay Smith |
Paul Stahlschmidt |
Kurt Steinbaugh |
Marta Toran |
Catherine Turner |
Ashley Vinson |
Summer Wisdom |